
CultureThe core values describe "who we are and what our beliefs are", and reflect the common value pursuit, value evaluation standards and spirit of every member of the company; the mission expresses what "our career" is and its connotation expression The fundamental purpose and reason for the existence of the enterprise; the vision explains what "our goal" is, and is the strategic goal and development blueprint that the enterprise expects to achieve within a certain stage; the core values are the core of the corporate culture concept system and form the mission and vision. The fundamental driving force and spiritual source are the determinants of the choice of mission and vision; and mission and vision are the specific embodiment of the value pursuit of core values in the field of enterprise development, and the bearing and performance of core values in enterprise activities.


Business philosophy:
Sincerity, quality, innovation, responsibility


Work requirements:
Attitude determines everything; details makes success


Quality policy:
Focus on management, focus on quality, excellent service, and create a brand

Service Hotline:

+86 13607711498


Add:No. 7 workshop of the first phase project of No. B-109 standard workshop in Yiling Industrial Concentration Zone, Nanning
Tel:+86 13607711498

taiying technology


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