
Guangxi Sugar Industry strives to break the bottleneck to promote high-quality development and harvest "sweetness" in cost reduction and efficiency increase

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"For every three spoonfuls of sugar in the country, two spoonfuls come from Guangxi." Guangxi's sugar cane planting area and sugar production have accounted for about 60% of the country's total for 17 consecutive seasons. Guangxi plays an important role in ensuring the security of national sugar supply. .

"For every three spoonfuls of sugar in the country, two spoonfuls come from Guangxi." Guangxi's sugar cane planting area and sugar production have accounted for about 60% of the country's total for 17 consecutive seasons. Guangxi plays an important role in ensuring the security of national sugar supply. .

In April this year, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Guangxi, he pointed out that "it is necessary to promote high-end, intelligent and green traditional industries, and promote the optimization and upgrading of the entire industrial chain."

Not long ago, during his inspection tour in Guangxi, Premier Li Keqiang walked into the sugarcane field to talk to the sugarcane farmers, and made important instructions for the development of the sugar industry in Guangxi from the aspects of "eating and squeezing all the sugarcane", promoting the mechanization of sugarcane planting, and researching and developing improved sugarcane varieties.

At present, our district is guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech and the spirit of the important instructions to Guangxi's work series, implementing the relevant instructions and requirements of Premier Li Keqiang on the development of the sugar industry in Guangxi, focusing on deepening the reform of the system and mechanism, and promoting the development of the sugar industry in Guangxi. The sugar industry should reduce costs and increase efficiency as the starting point, solve the problems that restrict the high-quality development of the sugar industry in our region, fully promote the optimization and upgrading of the sugar industry, and strive to build the most competitive industry in China.

Reduce sugar cane production costs and enhance competitiveness from the "source"

The sugar industry is Guangxi's characteristic industry with the most comparative advantage in the country. In recent years, the "sweet cause" has been mixed with bitterness. Due to the low comprehensive production capacity of sugar cane, the cost of raw material cane for sugar factories in our district accounts for more than 70% of the total cost of sugar, which restricts the improvement of the overall competitiveness of the sugar industry.

"It is necessary to benchmark against the advanced level of the global sugar industry development, focus on the problem of high production costs of sugar cane, focus on key breakthroughs, and make up for shortcomings." The person in charge of the sugar industry development office of the autonomous region said that our district will further consolidate and improve the "double Increase the production capacity of the base, speed up the breeding and promotion of sugarcane varieties, promote the mechanization of the whole process of sugarcane production, consolidate the foundation for the development of the sugar industry, and build the “first workshop” of the sugar industry.

With good seeds in hand, there is the "sweet spring" of the cane sugar industry——

In September, under the bright autumn sun, the lush "Gui Tang No. 42" is thick and straight. Tang Qineng, a sugarcane farmer in Natangtun, Natang Village, Longtou Township, Fusui County, pointed to a large green gauze tent and told reporters: "I have been planting 'Gui Tang No. 42' for 5 years. Thousand yuan. The current planting area is more than 100 mu.”

"In 2020, the planting area of ​​cinnamon sugar series varieties will be 5.223 million mu, accounting for 44.5% of the total planting area in the region, an increase of 760,000 mu year-on-year." The relevant person in charge of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences introduced that the research and development and promotion of improved sugar cane varieties in our region have continuously achieved Breakthrough, the whole region has built 51 sugarcane breeding and promotion bases, covering an area of ​​about 71,000 mu, and the coverage rate of sugarcane varieties with independent intellectual property rights in Guangxi has jumped to 78.2%.

The breeding and promotion of fine varieties can guarantee the high-quality development of the sugar industry from the "source". In 2020, the coverage rate of improved sugarcane varieties in the whole region reached 96.89%, reaching a record high. It is reported that our district is increasing investment in the research and development of improved sugarcane varieties, accelerating the cultivation of a number of new sugarcane varieties with high yield and high sugar, drought resistance, cold resistance, disease resistance, strong perennial rooting, and suitable for machine harvesting, and accelerating the promotion of sugarcane breeding. The construction of the base will effectively enhance the supply guarantee capability of improved varieties, and at the same time, make good use of the subsidy policy for the promotion of improved sugarcane varieties, and strive to achieve full coverage of sugarcane detoxification and healthy seedlings within three years.

The whole process of mechanization is the key to promoting cost reduction and efficiency increase——

One after another "big iron cows" galloped across the fields, and the sugarcanes were cleanly removed from leaves and mud; unmanned agricultural machines equipped with Beidou satellite navigation can operate according to predetermined routes to ensure accurate planting... …

"In the sugarcane harvest season at the beginning of the year, one of our large sugarcane harvesters can harvest 100 tons of sugarcane per day, while for manual harvesting, each person can only harvest about 1 ton per day." The person in charge of the "Shuanggao" Base in Wangpai Village, Chuanshan Town, Liuzhou City said. .

Guangxi has many hills and mountains, small plots, and scattered planting. The mechanization of sugar cane production has always been a shortcoming that restricts the development of sugar industry in our region, and it is also the key to breakthroughs. At present, our district is speeding up the formulation of incentive policies for the research and development of sugar cane harvesters, taking the market as the orientation and enterprises as the main body, strengthening the research and development of key technologies and equipment, and striving for the implementation of major scientific and technological innovation projects. At the same time, relying on the "double-high" base, accelerate the construction of a number of full-scale mechanization demonstration bases.

In 2020, our district will basically complete the construction of 5 million mu of "double-high" bases. The high-standard sugarcane fields with Tianchengfang, Canechenghang, canals and roads have laid the foundation for further promoting the mechanization of sugarcane. From 2021, the top 10 sugar-making enterprise groups in our district will build a demonstration base for high-efficiency machine harvesting for sugar cane production and one demonstration project for post-construction project management and maintenance of a "double-high" base, each with a construction scale of more than 1,000 mu. , to improve the sugar cane yield and the mechanization level of the whole process.

Extend the industrial chain and "eat and squeeze out" the sugarcane

What goes in is bagasse pulp, and what comes out is environmentally friendly daily necessities such as dinner plates and paper cups - Guangxi Huabao Fiber & Paper Products Co., Ltd. in Laibin City, with an annual output of 30,000 tons of bagasse degradable and environmentally friendly tableware production line On, a disposable cutlery can be compression molded every two seconds.

"In the past, bagasse could only be used as toilet paper, but now it is made into degradable tableware, which has doubled the economic benefits." said Song Qingfu, deputy general manager of Guangxi Huabao Fiber Products Co., Ltd. It can produce 45,000 tons of sugarcane bagasse degradable and environmentally friendly materials.

"Laibin City is currently exploring new ways to develop the comprehensive utilization of sugar production. Last year, the comprehensive value exceeded 10 billion yuan." Li Guangshao, Deputy Mayor of Laibin City, introduced.

The seemingly inconspicuous sugarcane actually contains treasures. The process of "eating dry and squeezing it out" is also the process of the economic and ecological development of the sugar industry. Today, our district has formed a number of sugar industry circular economy industrial chain.

In Chongzuojiang Prefecture, in the sugar industry circular economy industrial park covering an area of ​​20,000 mu, after sugar cane is pressed, bagasse is used to produce pulp; waste molasses is used to produce alcohol yeast, and alcohol waste liquid is used as liquid fertilizer to irrigate sugarcane fields; The mud is used to produce organic fertilizer, and then used for sugarcane planting... Last year, the output value of this industrial park with the most complete sugar industry chain in Guangxi reached 12 billion yuan.

It is reported that there are more than 20 sucrose deep-processing products in our district, and more than 30 kinds of comprehensive utilization products.

"At present, only the sugar and fiber parts of sugarcane have been developed and utilized, which only account for about 30% of the sugarcane volume, and about 70% of the sugarcane plant water and other substances have not been developed and utilized. The existing industrial chain still needs to be further deepened and utilized. Expansion, the industry has great potential for development." Relevant experts said.

To this end, our district is comprehensively improving the integrated processing capacity and promoting the "double chain" quality of the sugar processing chain value chain. On the one hand, accelerate the “automation, intelligence and digitalization” transformation of sugar-refining enterprises, increase support for technological transformation and technological innovation of sugar-refining enterprises, and accelerate the research and development of new products in the sugar industry; High-value utilization of by-products such as bagasse, molasses, filter mud, etc., accelerate the promotion of aquaculture production of sugarcane plants, and build the country's largest production base of green tableware export products and yeast production base.

Strengthen scientific and technological support, information service industry whole process

Real-time monitoring, remote control, intelligent decision-making... Open the "Sugarcane Meteorology Smart Agriculture" APP of Guangxi Meteorological Research Institute, the system can be based on the weather forecast and meteorological analysis in the next 3-5 days, combined with recent weather conditions, current sugarcane water demand and The amount of rainfall that may occur that day, the soil moisture content can be judged, and remote intelligent irrigation can be realized through mobile phones.

By predicting the changes in the weather above and grasping the moisture content of the soil under the feet, farmers will no longer watch the sky for food when planting sugarcane. At present, the smart sugarcane meteorological business system and service terminal based on big data and intelligence have covered more than 80 sugar factories in the region, providing timely and dynamic production activities for the entire industry chain of sugarcane seeding, management, harvesting and pressing. refined service.

In 2019, our district issued the "Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the System and Mechanism and Accelerating the High-quality Development of the Sugar Industry", proposing to strengthen scientific and technological support, improve the level of automation, intelligence and digitalization of the sugar industry, accelerate the promotion of "secondary entrepreneurship" in the sugar industry, and promote sugar industry. High-quality development of the industry. Today, the accelerated integration of informatization and sugarcane production not only plays a role in sugarcane planting, but also serves various processes of sugarcane production, adding technological wings to this traditional industry.

On the big data cloud platform of Guangxi Sugar Industry, one-stop and efficient services for the whole process of "farming, planting, management, harvesting, and transportation" are gathered, and sugar companies and farmers can handle business online without leaving home. In 2020, this industry cloud, which was first built in Guangxi, is also the first "sugar cloud" in the country to be officially launched, making Guangxi sugar industry at the forefront of the national industrial Internet digital economy development. The platform runs through the three links before, during and after sugar production, and gathers 11 million mu of sugar cane planting plots, orders from various cities, data on cutting, transportation and harvesting, as well as data from public security, high court, meteorology and other departments, and can accurately grasp the planting of plots in the whole region , sugarcane farming conditions and other information. The platform has been piloted in Beihai City, Laibin City, and Longzhou County, Chongzuo City. Through artificial intelligence, satellite remote sensing and other technologies, it has effectively solved the problems of "multiple signatures for one place" and "multiple signatures for one household" for sugar cane production and sales orders.

"'Sugar industry cloud' can improve the government's ability to forecast, supervise and regulate the sugar industry, improve the integrated scheduling efficiency and order fulfillment rate of sugarcane 'cultivation management, collection, cutting and transportation' by growers, and help sugar companies accurately estimate production , to improve the efficiency of production scheduling and achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase." The relevant person in charge of the sugar industry development office of the autonomous region said that our district will take the "Internet + sugar industry" as an opportunity to further integrate the information resources of sugarcane production and sales, and focus on promoting sugarcane production, operation, The effective integration of management and service with farming, planting, management, transportation and harvesting enables the upstream and downstream of the entire industry to achieve better and faster development of the sugar industry through data. (Luo Wanli Li Xinxiong Huang Zheng Huang Wenlian)

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